Today, I reveal 3 books on sustainability in motorsport I am planning to read. Given the niche we are referring to, we can consider them hidden gems.


I have been into the topic for a few years now and trust me, there are not many books on sustainability in motorsport on the bookshops’ shelves. But as in every specific niche, there are a few madmen who gave it a shot. And every time one of their titles gets into my hands, I can’t help it but to start bursting with excitement. Today, l give you three hidden gems that I’ll be delving into throughout this season of Formula 1.

Kit Chapman, Racing Green: How Motorsport Science Can Save the World

Let set the tone here, shall we? Imagine you are in one of the oldest and most iconic bookshops in London. Wooden shelving are sagging under the weight of books of all kind. The characteristic paper smell puts you in your happy place. It’s just you and books, nothing all matters. And while the inimitable vibe takes over your body, you step into “sports” section and lay eyes on one book only. At that moment, there’s no doubt – it’s coming home with you.

If you allowed the mind to fully embrace your imagination, you have just relieved the experience from my September visit to London. The book I was referring to is Kit Champan’s “Racing Green: How Motorsport Science Can Save the World”. And to put it shortly, it is the story of how motorsport become smarter and more environmentally friendly.

London – good place to find books on sustainability in motorsport

Crucially, the book touches upon my absolute favourite aspect of sustainability in motorsport – transfer of technology to everyday life and its positive impact on a way we live. By any means, this is not a new concept. It has been like this for decades. Chapman teases us with a perspective of learning how, among others, motorsport has altered environmental performance of grocery aisles and helped fight off COVID-19 pandemic.

The book is based on interviews with NASCAR’s Research and Development Center, Formula 1 insiders, engineers, scientists and drivers. And as I am already amid the reading process, I can assure it shall live up to the expectations of motorsport fans with a sustainable mindset. But is the author always right? ICE advocates may have something to say. 😉

Kelly Sencal & Felix Leach, Racing Toward Zero: The Untold Story of Driving Green

Speaking about those – meet Kelly Sencal and Felix Leach. Before I proceed to shortly discussing their book, allow me to start with a short story. Yes, again. This time though, instead of London, we head to FIA headquarters in Geneva!

Some of you may already know that in 2023 I’d spent six months in the FIA Sustainability Team. In the closing stages of my contract, my colleague Barbara introduced me to Sencal’s and Leach’s work. I was that drawn into their observations that for Christmas I asked my parents for my own copy of “Racing Toward Zero”.

And here we are, as I can’t wait to uncover what’s inside. I must say, to see the authors’ promise to approach the topic of sustainable transportation (and subsequently, motorsport) by reviewing all different types of technologies is refreshing. I strongly believe we still lack publications and discussions that simultaneously consider multiple solutions. Instead, we are often told that there is only one way to go.

If you are sceptical about this approach, Senecal & Leach are offering no-nonsense thinking. At the back side cover we read – All technologies have an impact on the environment. Period. How do we go green, then? As the authors say, “The future is eclectic.” WARNING! Don’t confuse “eclectic” with “electric”. It’s not a typo. 😉

Marco Alverà, The Hydrogen Revolution: A Blueprint for the Future of Clean Energy

And we are back in London! I promise, it won’t take long. During the same stay I bought “Racing Green”, I was also hunting for the book which was recommended to me multiple times. And by the time I was back home, I found what I was looking for.

“The Hydrogen Revolution” written by Marco Alverà is surprisingly book about hydrogen. Some may argue that it doesn’t fit the conversation on sustainability in motorsport. Personally, I believe there has never been a better time to read it exactly in that context. After all, hydrogen has been a big talking point in motorsport in recent years.

Details on Hydrogen Working Group

There are plans for hydrogen class in Le Mans and suggestions it can be the next power source for Formula 1 after sustainable fuels. If that wasn’t enough, Extreme E will become Extreme H in 2025 and in December 2023, representatives of this championship together with FIA and F1 announced plans to establish a joint Hydrogen Working Group.

Therefore, timing feels just right to learn about ins and outs of hydrogen, as well as its applications in infrastructure, heating, electricity and crucially transportation.

Learning lessons from 3 books on sustainability in motorsport together

That’s a wrap when it comes to a brief introduction of books I hope will turn out to be a driving force of sustainability in motorsport. Now, there is nothing left to do but to get down to conscious reading. The more valuable information encapsulated, the better chance of me successfully passing you the empowering knowledge.

I promise you – in the upcoming months, you’re in for a thrilling journey! Join me as I uncover the untold stories and groundbreaking insights from all 3 of these books. I’ll be sharing my thoughts and main takeaways here on and on my Instagram. Not a follower? No need to wait any longer, change that right now by clicking here.